By Paul Scanlon

How Qwik’s Astro Integration Beats Both React and Vanilla JS

Paul Scanlon tests Qwik with Astro, and finds it’s the best of both worlds — lighter than React and less verbose than Vanilla JavaScript.

In this post I’ll be talking about the new @qwikdev/astro integration. I believe it to be the solution I’ve been looking for to flatten out a bump I encountered while developing my personal website.

As you’ve probably guessed, my site is built using Astro and is broadly “static”; but, as is often the case, even the most static of websites inevitably need some kind of interactivity, which is commonly enabled using JavaScript.

In my case, it’s to handle the sidebar navigation. It’s only a very small amount of interactivity, but there are a number of HTML elements that need to be referenced so that CSS class names can be added or removed to achieve the desired effect when a user clicks the menu icon.


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