By Paul Scanlon

Why We Need a Standard JavaScript ORM for SQL Databases

Is Drizzle ORM the open source, SQL-friendly tool that JavaScript developers have been looking for to help with type safety?

The need for standardization is all around us, but on occasion, the JavaScript ecosystem — or rather, the tools and services built using JS — have a tendency to stray off course, which can cause disruption in the ecosystem.

In this article I’ll be discussing JavaScript clients and SDKs for SQL databases where I’ve encountered issues. I’ll ask the question: Should SaaS database providers consider dropping support of their own clients in favor of backing Drizzle ORM? As I explained in a previous post, Drizzle ORM is a modern object-relational mapping (ORM) library for JavaScript developers. It’s designed to provide a type-safe and intuitive way to interact with SQL databases, but more than that, it’s also solving what I believe to be a big problem: No two clients are the same.


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