By Paul Scanlon

How to Set Up Nightly Backups to AWS S3 for Multiple Neon Projects

This is the second post of a series on automating nightly backups for multiple Neon projects. In the first post, I covered how to configure AWS to set up the S3 buckets. In this post, I’ll explain how to set up nightly backups for multiple Neon Postgres databases using GitHub Actions and pg_dump/restore.

There are three main components to creating this kind of scheduled backup:

  1. AWS You’ll need to know your AWS Account ID and have permissions that allow you to create Roles, Identity Providers, S3 buckets, and be able to update bucket policies.
  2. Postgres Database You’ll need to know the connection strings for your databases, which region the databases are deployed, and which version of Postgres your databases use.
  3. GitHub Action You’ll also need to have permission to access Actions and Settings > Secrets in the GitHub repository you’d like to run the Actions from.

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