By Paul Scanlon

From Shared Chaos to Isolated Control with Neon

A better way to build: spin up a Neon Twin and keep production untouched.

Your traditional database is rock-solid for handling production workloads—reliable, resilient, and built to withstand just about anything. But when it comes to the developer experience? Not so much. If you’ve ever had multiple developers colliding on the same dev or test instance, overwriting each other’s schema changes, accidentally siphoning resources from production, or dealing with over-provisioned environments that sit idle, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

You might think, “Why not migrate to a better provider?” But let’s be honest—just suggesting a production migration is enough to trigger endless meetings, risk assessments, and so much red tape it barely feels worth it, and there’s a good chance, you’ll end up right back where you started anyway.

So don’t migrate. Leave production where it is. Instead, supercharge your development and testing environments with Neon, which is built to handle any size, from small projects to massive datasets.


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