Rise of the Robots
Project Overview
From April 2022 to June 2022 I designed and built Rise of the Robots. The motivation for this project, was the past. I used to be a Flash Designer and back in the glory days of Web Development I made some pretty cool stuff.
When I switched to JavaScript / React Development, life got dull. Rise of the Robots is a resurrection of the past, but using new tools that fill the void Flash created when Apple killed it circa 2010. I worked in collabortaion with Rive to demonstrate what’s now possible using modern day animation techniques and Jamstack technologies, all the while being careful to not tank Lighthouse scores and ensuring accessibility remained top of mind.

Along with the branding and site design, and build I documented my journey on the Gatsby Blog, presented at Gatsby’s first in-person event since COVID at the offices of Andreessen Horowitz in San Francisco, wrote a guest article for the Contentful Blog and co-hosted a webinar with Rive founder Guido Rosso.
Bonus Deliverable
The project has been featured on Contentful’s Developer Showcase, oh, and I also knocked up this rather epic trailer to promote the in-person event using After Effects skills I haven’t used in a very long time!
Introducing: Rise of the Robots. 🤖
— Gatsby (@GatsbyJS) May 23, 2022
A Gatsby + @rive_app + @contentful powered creative, performant, and accessible demo.
#ROTR with @PaulieScanlon pic.twitter.com/fMNKfXEtV8