By Paul Scanlon

MDX Embed

Project Overview

In April 2020 I released the first interation of MDX Embed.

MDX Embed allows you to easily embed popular 3rd party media content such as YouTube videos, Tweets, Instagram posts, Egghead lessons, Spotify, TikTok and many more straight into your .mdx - no import required!

Originally the project was just supposed to work with Gatsby projects but as more and more JavaScript frameworks and libraries adopted MDX as a format, I re-released the package along with integrations for other projects that support a plugin ecosystem.

Currently MDX Embed has integration for the following.

That’s not to say MDX Embed can’t be used elsewhere.

The documentation (built with Storybook) provides details of how to use it with anything that supports MDX itself. But that’s not all, all MDX Embed Components are written in Jsx. This means you can use them without MDX and use them they way you would with any Jsx project.


In October 2020 in an effort to make the first major release I opened the project up to Digital Ocean’s Hactoberfest. During this period I worked multiple community members to write unit and integration tests to bring the projects code coverage up to 94%. Shortly afterwards version 1.0.0 was released.

I captured all the instructions and conversations under this Umbrella issue.


I currently maintain this project and it’s used by a number of repositories.

… and absolutely loads of Adobe Projects including:
