By Paul Scanlon

Use Netlify Functions and the GitHub REST API to add Data Visualization to your Gatsby blog

After a recent Twitter conversation with my good chum Scott we decided weā€™d run a little experiment that will attempt to broadly achieve the same thing but in two different ways.

The ā€œend goalā€ if you like, will be to request data using a GitHub API, or more specifically request data regarding the programming languages used in all repositories for a given GitHub user and render a nice looking Doughnut Chart in a Gatsby Blog.

Like any good scientific experiment weā€™ve broken it down into five keys areas:

1. Observations

As the above Tweet mentions weā€™re aware there are two main GitHub APIā€™s available

  1. GraphQL API

2. Question

Again, as the above Tweet mentions weā€™re not quite sure if both APIā€™s can deliver the same data, and weā€™re unsure if data should be requested at run time or build time and lastly what kind of ā€œgraphic methodā€ should be used to surface the data in a data visualization

3. Hypothesis

Itā€™s assumed that a GraphQL API will likely be more flexible in terms of what kind of data can be requested

Whereas the REST API data will be somewhat restricted by the predetermined responses from predefined end points

ā€œfetchingā€ this data via either API method could either be requested at build time and baked into a Gatsby page or requested at run time using a more traditional GET request.

If the request happens at run time a Serverless Function could be used as a middle ground between the blog making the request and the GitHub API end point, but naturally would fail if JavaScript had been disabled in the browser. However requesting data as and when a user visits the page means it will always be in sync with the source data.

If the request happens at build time using Gatsbyā€™s sourceNodes then data would be part of the statically created pages and wouldnā€™t be affected if JavaScript had been disabled in the browser. However, since the data is only requested at build time thereā€™s a chance it could quickly get out of sync with the source data.

ā€¦and as a wild card run time approach Scott suggested using a similar Serverless Function that returns an img src eg. <img src='https://some-serverless-function/some-source.jpg' /> which would work-round the possible JavaScript disabled in the browser issue but would require the Chart to be rendered server side.

Displaying data as an image naturally removes any possibility for interactivity or animation and potentially raises some accessibility concerns.

4. Method

To test our Hypothesis we created an Umbrella Issue outlining the experiment in broad terms and below is the tech weā€™ve chosen to use šŸ‘‡


  • Gatsby
  • TypeScript
  • Vercel Functions
  • GitHub GraphQL API
  • Puppeteer
  • Google Charts


  • Gatsby
  • TypeScript
  • Netlify Functions
  • GitHub REST API
  • SVG Chart

5. Results

Screenshot of Donut charts


Scottā€™s results, demo and repo are available on below linksšŸ‘‡

Screenshot of Donut chart


My demo and repo are available on the below links and my results are explained further down the page šŸ‘‡

On initial inspection there seems to be no real difference between Vercel Functions and Netlify Functions and weā€™ve concluded that depending on whoever you use for hosting will most likely determine your choice.


The APIā€™s on the other hand do differ somewhat. Since this was Scottā€™s idea itā€™s largely based around the idea of retrieving all programming languages used for a given GitHuber user.

Using the GraphQL API you can achieve this by requesting languages from the user endpoint. In the query below Scott has also requested the ā€œtop or first 5ā€ results

For brevity iā€™ve removed some of Scottā€™s query but you can see the full query here

// GitHub GraphQL - Request

 user(login: $username) {
    repositories() {
      nodes {
        languages(first: 5) {
          nodes {

This query will result in data similar to the below

// GitHub GraphQL - Response

    name: 'Some Repo Name A',
    languages: {
      nodes: [
          color: '#e34c26',
          name: 'HTML',
          color: '#563d7c',
          name: 'CSS',
          color: '#f1e05a',
          name: 'JavaScript',
    name: 'Some Repo Name B',
    languages: {
      nodes: [
          color: '#e34c26',
          name: 'HTML',
          color: '#c6538c',
          name: 'Scss',
          color: '#4F5D95',
          name: 'PHP',

By contrast using the REST API you can nearly achieve the same thing with the following request.

Again for brevity iā€™ve removed parts of the query but the full query can be seen here

// GitHub REST - Request

.request('GET /users/{username}/repos', {
    username: USER_NAME,
    type: 'owner'

This query will result in data similar to the below

// GitHub REST - Response

    name: 'Some Repo Name A',
    languages: 'JavaScript',
    name: 'Some Repo Name B',
    languages: 'PHP',

Straight away you should be able to see from the response that languages is a single string. Compare this to the GraphQL response where languages is an array

The REST response appears to only return the predominant language whereas the GraphQL response returns all languages used per repo along with a color value which could be used as an indicator in a graph or legend.

So thatā€™s 1 - 0 to GraphQL. I did attempt to make a second request using the repository List repository languages endpoint for each repository returned by /users/{username}/repos but instantly hit the rate limit so unfortunately deeper information about languages for users doesnā€™t appear to be possible using the REST API.


Scottā€™s approach is for the Chart to be created Server Side and returned as an image url via the Serverless Function. You can see more of that here

This is a really nice solution and will work when JavaScript is either enabled or disabled in the browser as the endpoint is being used directly as the img src

For example:

<img alt='some chart' src='' />

Some drawbacks I suppose are that the image can only describe itself via an alt tag which perhaps might not be great for accessibility and naturally images canā€™t be interactive or animated.

My approach is to use both the sourceNodes API from gatsby-node at build time making the data available in Gatsbyā€™s GraphQL layer and a ServerLess Function at run time via a typical GET request.

The Chart I created which iā€™ve amusingly named <MrCharty /> can be seen here and has broadly been based on this article by Mark Caron

In this post I explain how I created the Chart: Create an SVG Doughnut Chart for your Gatsby blog

On that note, my chart isnā€™t interactive but given itā€™s an SVG, it could be ā˜ļø

Build Time / Server Data

Using sourceNodes in gatsby-node iā€™m using the query to hit the GitHub REST API and convert the response into GraphQL nodes which are then query-able via Gatsbyā€™s GraphQL layerā€¦ or in simpler terms this data can then be statically baked into the page.

This approach means the Chart will display regardless of if JavaScript is enabled or disabled in the browser. However, since the request to the GitHub REST API happens at build time thereā€™s a high risk this data will become out of sync with the source data. I did investigate the option to use a webhook but as seen above this is only available at a repository level not at a user level.

Run Time / Client Data

Using the same query iā€™m able to make a client side request to the ServerLess Function which renders the response as a Chart in the ā€œpageā€ component using Reactā€™s useEffect and useState.

This approach means data will always be synced with the source data but will only work if JavaSCript is enabled in the browser.

Iā€™ve mentioned ā€œJavaScript is either enabled or disabled in the browserā€ a few times throughout this post and our reasons for wanting to experiment with alternative approaches isnā€™t because weā€™re necessarily concerned that users visiting our blogs will in fact have JavaScript disabled but more because weā€™re aware that the more client side requests that are made from any given page can and do lead to slower page load times. Both Scott and myself are massive Gatsby fans and always try where possible to keep out load speeds Blazing Fast.

That just about sums up the experiment, and I think the following are the key take away points to consider before attempting to use any of the above approaches as all seem to have prose and cons

  1. Start with the API, if an API canā€™t return the data you need, youā€™ll probably have to modify your idea. In our experiment I believe the GraphQL API is the one youā€™d want to use.
  2. If enabled / disabled JavaScript is important consider either an image or generating GraphQL nodes at build time
  3. Is the source data likely to change a lot? If it does, perhaps a run time request is more favorable than a build time request. However if a webhook is available consider: Gatsby Cloud is your (Good Friend)
  4. If accessibility and / or interactivity or animation are important an image probably isnā€™t the best solution.

So there you have it multiple ways to kinda achieve the same thing. JavaScript is hard!

See you around šŸ•ŗ


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